This week’s post is less of a how-to and more of a “how-to?” I’ve got some ideas about the basics of PID controls, but this system is giving me trouble. I updated the PID control system on Egg-Bot Version 2. V2 currently holds a single position okay, but changes in the target are wild and guaranteed failure.
Control Loop Upgrade
First thing I did this week was add a non-linear adjustment to the PID loop to more accurately map the pendulum angle to the geometry of the robot. In this way a change in the output angle would reflect the center of gravity of the robot, rather than the center of rotation of the pendulum.

I think the reason for the failures is that the controller relies on the integral term to reach the target position. In a previous iteration of the controller, whenever I changed the target, I could observe a pretty wild perturbation where the integral term “unspooled” and had a big time delay until it could start moving towards the new target.
To combat this “spooling”/”unspooling” delay, in today’s PID version, I reset the integral term whenever a change in target was entered. This had a new effect where the robot would suddenly fall over on target changes due to the rapid change in that term. I want to investigate what’s done more commonly to address this challenge.
Egg Bot Version 3 – Body and Screen
Finally, I also got version 3 of the robot built. Version 3 includes a front and back cover and an 8×8 LED display. It looks really nice, but can’t stand on its own. I think it’s too top heavy for the pendulum to control. Time to do some actual static analysis instead of just guessing.