Follows is a list of tips for Raspberry Pi setup and use.
Direct Ethernet Connect Setup
* Turn on my Mac’s Internet Sharing for the Thunderbolt Ethernet adapter. The self-assigned IP on Thunderbolt Ethernet is fine. Use arp -n -i Bridge100 -a to find out the Pi’s address. Set up WiFi using VNC if necessary.
Cloning a Card on Mac OSX
diskutil list
diskutil unmountDisk /dev/rdisk2
diskutil unmountDisk /dev/rdisk3
sudo dd if=/dev/rdisk2 of=/dev/rdisk3 bs=1M
Tips for fast(er) copying:
- Don’t use the built in SD card reader. It seems really, really hopelessly slow.
- Use the rdisk mounts instead of disk. My experience is that this is faster.
RealVNC and Cloning Images
Cloning Raspberry Pi images is a nice way to avoid re-compiling libraries, but creates it’s own issues, particularly with RealVNC.
If the clone comes up logged out of RealVNC, then you can create new keys and prepare the host with a new name for binding to a Cloud Team.
- sudo hostname <new name>
- sudo vncserver-x11 -generatekeys force
- sudo vncserver-x11 -reload
Logging out of RealVNC Cloud is not trivial, but can be done as follows:
- sudo systemctl stop vncserver-x11-serviced
- sudo rm -rf /root/.vnc
- sudo systemctl start vncserver-x11-serviced
OpenCV 3.x with Python 3 Setup
OpenCV 3 is not currently bundled with Ubuntu, so compiling yourself is next best option that I’ve found. Compiling is not so bad, follow these instructions.
Docker swarms look interesting, but I’m still not sure how to make it work. I don’t really think that the service model applies here (yet?).
Aggregating IP Addresses
- Docker Swarm Mode for creating internal network, Amazon for fixed IP host.
- DynDNS?
- Server that hosts socket-pass through for punching through firewalls?