The OpenCV Charuco-board pose estimation tools can provide localization estimation relative to your camera. The red-green-and blue axes drawn at the upper-right of the charuco-board taped to my wall indicates the pose estimate.
These instructions are not particularly user-friendly, but got me started. I’m not really sure that my distance coefficients are set up correctly. Hopefully I’ll have a chance to clean that up and post an update if I make improvements.
Please comment if you’ve got ideas for improvement or if you found this post useful.
- Obtain accurate configuration settings
- Compile the pose estimation program
- Run and verify configuration settings
Step 1: Obtain accurate configuration settings
For my program to work, you should have a board configuration file called See my previous post on opencv charuco calibration for details.
Step 2: Compile the included pose estimation program
Download the following python3 program and save it into the same folder as the two XML files from step 1.
# # # Peter F. Klemperer # October 29, 2017 import pdb import time import numpy as np import cv2 import glob import cv2.aruco as aruco cap = cv2.VideoCapture(0) def read_node_real( reader, name ): node = reader.getNode( name ) return node.real() def read_node_string( reader, name ): node = reader.getNode( name ) return node.string() def read_node_matrix( reader, name ): node = reader.getNode( name ) return node.mat() # read defaultConfig.xml presented to # opencv_interactive-calibration config_reader = cv2.FileStorage()"defaultConfig.xml",cv2.FileStorage_READ) aruco_parameters = aruco.DetectorParameters_create() aruco_dict_num = int(read_node_real( config_reader, "charuco_dict" ) ) aruco_dict = aruco.Dictionary_get(aruco_dict_num) charuco_square_length = int(read_node_real( config_reader, "charuco_square_lenght" )) charuco_marker_size = int(read_node_real( config_reader, "charuco_marker_size" )) config_reader.release() # TODO clean this up and use config parameters? # look up definition o charuco_square_lenght, charuco_marker_size # 5 was width (x) passed to interactive-calibration # 7 was height (y) passed to interactive-calibration # .034 is square_length (meters) # .02 is marker_size (meters) charuco_board = aruco.CharucoBoard_create( 5, 7, 0.034, 0.02, aruco_dict ) # read the cameraParameters.xml file generated by # opencv_interactive-calibration camera_reader = cv2.FileStorage()"cameraParameters.xml",cv2.FileStorage_READ) camera_matrix = read_node_matrix( camera_reader, "cameraMatrix" ) dist_coeffs = read_node_matrix( camera_reader, "dist_coeffs" ) camera_reader.release() while(True): time.sleep( 0.1 ) # Read frame from Camera # convert frame to grayscale ret, frame = gray = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) corners, ids, rejectedImgPoints = aruco.detectMarkers(gray, aruco_dict, parameters=aruco_parameters) # if enough markers were detected # then process the board if( ids is not None ): #gray = aruco.drawDetectedMarkers(gray, corners) ret, ch_corners, ch_ids = aruco.interpolateCornersCharuco(corners, ids, gray, charuco_board ) # if there are enough corners to get a reasonable result if( ret > 5 ): aruco.drawDetectedCornersCharuco(frame,ch_corners,ch_ids,(0,0,255) ) retval, rvec, tvec = aruco.estimatePoseCharucoBoard( ch_corners, ch_ids, charuco_board, camera_matrix, dist_coeffs ) # if a pose could be estimated if( retval ) : frame = aruco.drawAxis(frame,camera_matrix,dist_coeffs,rvec,tvec,0.032) # imshow and waitKey are required for the window # to open on a mac. cv2.imshow('frame', frame) if( cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q') ): break cap.release() cv2.destroyAllWindows()
Step 3: Run and Verify
Run the program and verify. I made the axis length the same as the black square edge to try to confirm I’d chosen the distance coefficients accurately, but I haven’t done any testing beyond that.
There are many of these tutorials on the web, and this one is mine. I hope that you find my sharing it useful.