Tag Archives: robotics

Robot Control with Machine Learning

This week’s project is combining my 1D EggBot controller with the Machine Learning textbook that I’m reading this summer. The goal of the controller is to help the EggBot stay upright or at a specified angle. The robot’s accelerometer indicates … Continue reading

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Learning Materials – Reinforcement Learning for Robots

This post is just an info dump about reinforcement learning for robots. Mostly YouTube videos. Am I missing anything? I had been looking at Gymnasium, but clearly I should also look at NVIDIA’s Isaac Sim.

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Egg Robot – Version 5 – Walking Update II

Last week, the walking version of the Egg Robot was updated to include an outrigger brace to prevent bending of the legs inward as the robot leans. This unexpected bending inwards caused the upward leg to drag as it advances. … Continue reading

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Egg Robot – Version 5 – Walking Update

The walking version of the Egg Robot walked last week. Unfortunately, it also distorted its legs so that it drags the raised foot on each step, disrupting its path. To fix this, I added a brace to support the legs … Continue reading

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Egg Robot – Walking Version

Today I finished the assembly of the walking version of my Egg Robot. Egg Robot wobbles like an egg (or a penguin). The basic mechanicals and electronics were assembled this week. I’ve function tested the electronics with a basic program. … Continue reading

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Egg Robot Cyclops (v3)

Egg Robot is a Cyclops! Making the Egg Robot (Ham-Steak) into a credible toy means not leaving the internals dangling around where they could be damaged. Version 3 of the Egg Robot adds front and rear covers that protect the … Continue reading

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Out of Control PIDs

This week’s post is less of a how-to and more of a “how-to?” I’ve got some ideas about the basics of PID controls, but this system is giving me trouble. I updated the PID control system on Egg-Bot Version 2. … Continue reading

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1-D Egg Robot – Version 2

This week I made some changes to the Egg Bot and named it version 2 (even though it’s really a version 1.5 probably). I combined the servo and circuit board mounting into a single bracket, printed the new bracket, and … Continue reading

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Egg Robot – 1-Dimensional Balancing Robot

Presenting the Egg Robot (aka “ham steak”), a 1-dimensional balancing robot. The main purpose of the robot is to balance at different angles. The balancing will be accomplished by adjusting the center of gravity of the robot using a weighted … Continue reading

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Emotive Robotics – Expressive Eyes

Today’s project is making “expressive” eyes. Eyes can serve dual functions: in addition to observing the world around you, in many animals they also serve to express interest or other emotions. In this project I am focusing on the latter, … Continue reading

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